Primary vs Secondary data in Market Research

 Primary Vs Secondary Data in Market Research

By Connor Williams

Market research is an essential task for businesses to carry out in order to improve their products and services for their consumers. There are many different ways to research your target market and it is an amazing way of gaining relevant information sourced directly from your consumers.

As there are many ways of obtaining data for market research, the data is divided in to two main types. This is called Primary data, and Secondary data. 

Primary data

Primary data would be data that you have gone out and found by yourself. Primary data usually involves someone organising an event for their target consumers which is a great way to get consumers to keep buying your products as you are giving the consumers a chance to get involved with the company and voice their opinion on the products. They can also bring new ideas on how to improve the products and services the company provides.


Surveys is a very common method used for market research especially since the invention of phones as surveys are now incredibly easy 
